Top 5 Antioxidant Beverages

As with the other "best of" categories, the list below is just one of the many comparison lists ... red wine which has revseratrol and proanthocyanidin antioxidants could easily have made the top 5 of another list.

In any case, below is one list ...

1)   Fruits and Vegetable Juices  (stating the obvious?)

Rich in many types of antioxidants, depending on the fruits and\or vegetables used for juicing. And when herbs and\or spices are added to these juices, more types of antioxidants are added.

These are, without a doubt, the healthy cocktails.

Fruis and Vege Juices

2)   Tea ... rich in catechins antioxidant.

A Refreshing Cup of Hot Tea
Iced Lemon Tea
Or, Tea made with Spices, Honey and Lemon

3)   Coffee

Rich in quinines antioxidant, which potency increased with roasting. Coupled with some minerals, such as magnesium, found in coffee, that supports the antioxidant activities, it's no wonder it made the list.

Coffee, Variety of Beans and its powdered form

4)   Chocolate Drinks

Sorry folks, we are talking the raw cacao, not the chocolate candies laden with sugar and other additives found in candies.

Raw cacao are rich in flavonoids antioxidant, especially anthocyanidin flavonoid and epicatechins flavonoid.

Cacao - Pod, Beans and Powder

5)   Water

It's not "regular" water we are talking about, but ...

  •         Hydrogen enriched water (more on this to come ...)
  •         Alkaline Ionized Water (more on this to come, as well)

A Happy Water Molecule
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